Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Black ops 2 PS3XBOXPC 119219 GSC Mod menu WaterFall V1.

Black Ops 3 Zombie GSC Mod Menu "EnCoReV14" by CabCon | First Version + Download. Hello everyone, today I will release my first Black Ops 3 Mod Menu to the public! altough if you want to use one look up for protogenesys, it's the only menu that works on plutonium for now but will soon be patched because on the next plutonium update there will be a anti cheat on bo2, which will get you banned. So i hope you guys who still mod enjoy it Reezh~-Credits-Extinct ~ Creating the base, and for awsome functions!-SeriousHD ~ for the awsome Gjallarhorn function. TUTORIAL VIDEO: -DOWNLOADS BELOW- GSC STUDIO: -MOD MENUS SHOWN IN VIDEO- Project Iconic V3 (ZM): Bossam V6 … May 15, 2020.